All this time i felt so lost, lost and needed help.
Incomplete, out of reach, All alone by myself.
It all becomes so clear, when i see your face.
And it’s only when you’re near, I feel i’m safe.
I’m so tired of holding on, so tired of waiting.
I need to feel something real, without it breaking.
Nu prea mai am timp sa ma ocup de blog cum as vrea cu adevarat.
Clasa a XII-a e grea frate :| . Nu credeam ca o sa mai astept vreodata vacanta doar ca sa am si eu timp de mine si nu ca sa scap de scoala,profesori & so on.
Dar nu pot sa ma plang...Sunt fericita si asta e tot ce conteaza!^_^ Restul lucrurilor se rezolva intr-un fel sau altul...
Love you all >:d< si fie ca Mos Nicolae sa va aduca tot ce va doriti ! ^_^
what you give is exactly what you receive
Publicat de Unknown la 22:46
Etichete: live love laugh, love, obsession
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