
Incompatible, it don't matter though

'cause someone's bound to hear my cry

Speak out if you do

You're not easy to find

Is it possible, Mr. Loveable

Is already in my life?

Right in front of me

Or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold

Who knows how to love you without being told

Somebody tell me why I'm on my own

If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are again, circles never end

How do I find the perfect fit

There's enough for everyone

But I'm still waiting in line o stare proasta in ultimul timp...o stare de kkt pot zice...

Unde e KtY cea cu zambetul pe buze tot timpul?:

Cred ca s-a pierdut prin atatea detalii din care e formata viata ei si in loc sa gaseasca drumul cel bun inapoi l-a gasit pe cel acoperit de rani care sangereaza la revederea ei...

Cine zicea ca viata bate filmul intelept mai era...

Hai ca ma duc sa o caut pe hepi KtY inainte sa se faca pierduta si mai tare ...

Soulmate - Natasha Bedingfield


Anonim said...

mijto post, imi pare rau ca viata ta a ajuns sa fie plina de tristete in ultimu timp :(, dar cu putin ajutor din partea mea si a celorlalti te putem readuce pe drumu fericirii :)

ClaudelGFX said...

treci pe la mine si citeste cateva randuri... sper sa-ti revii cat mai curand :) hf

Anonim said...

i somehow feel like it's my fault...and i know for a fact it is that way...hope at least now u'll be happy with whomever u may want, whereever u may want...i'll still keep on lovin' u:*:(